Encyclopedia of World History (IL) (CV) (Reduced Format)



You will find the history of the world from the prehistoric times to the year 2000, covering the major civilizations, rulers and events. The book paints vivid picture of everyday life over thousands of years and includes: Clear descriptions of historical events — Reconstructions of exciting scenes throughout history — Fascinating illustrations — Over 100 maps — 12000-year illustrated time chart. This combined volume includes: Ancient World, Medieval World, Prehistoric World, and The Last 500 Years. The paperback version of this title is 7 1/2 X 9 1/2 in size with slightly smaller text.

Series: Encyclopedias
These books are jam-packed with information, photographs, charts, and maps for additional study and research. They will introduce you to world history, from prehistoric times to the start of the 21st century, the whole field of geography, from rocks and their formation to weather and climates, and the whole field of science from physics, to information technology.